Lost Dogs and Cats in California - Reunited with Family!

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The story of "Max" in California

We were driving home when we saw a big pit bull in the middle of the road. He was running towards the cars and people were swerving. My husband and I pulled over immediately to stop traffic while he was still in the road. He approached very friendly and greeted us with kisses (I honestly think he was trying to get a car to stop for him). He jumped into our car the second he got the chance! He was very well taken care of and had amazing mannerisms, so I immediately posted him on nokillnetwork.org knowing this handsome boy had a pet parent out there missing him. He spent the night with us while we continued to search for his owners. The next morning when we went to take him to be checked for a chip my phone started beeping..there was a nokillnetwork.org Alert. A dog in my area had gone missing and sure enough it was the big love-ball we had picked up yesterday. His pet parent was desperately downloading lost and found dog apps and posting on other social media sites. He had proof of ownership, told us his name was Max and boy did he respond to that name! Upon pulling up to his owner's truck he was whining so excited and pawing at the window!! I opened my door and he ran full force into his human dad's arms. This was such a rewarding experience! nokillnetwork.org and everyone that shared his story is to thank for getting Max back to his den!!!

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