Lost Dogs and Cats in California - Reunited with Family!

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The story of "Abby" in California

I walked out of work on Friday evening and saw a beautiful poodle on the street. I drove over to where she was sniffing the bushes, and she came up to me and allowed me to pet her. When I invited her into the car she ran off toward the very busy road. She stood and pranced like a Westminster prize winner and I knew someone had lost track of her. I cornered her in the shopping center there and she was sniffing around a dog groomer’s place. I reasoned that could be because she knew the place, or possibly just that many dog smells are there. She let me pick her up and I took her to the vet for a chip scan, but because of her long hair, they were unable to locate a chip if she had one. They offered to shave her hair but I declined— If no owner emerged, then okay, but I didn’t want to cut her hair prematurely. I came home and searched 'Lost and Found Pets' and the first link was nokillnetwork.org. I submitted my entry and within minutes it had over 40 shares and comments of support. Someone eventually said, 'I think I know that dog,' and gave me the name of a dog groomer that owned a dog like her. I searched Google and found a picture of him showing a dog that looked remarkably like the beauty queen. This eased my mind— it all began to add up. I left a message at the groomer's business per the woman’s suggestion. The next morning daddy called and was naturally deeply relieved to know she was safe. An example of the power of Facebook being used for positive social gains! I definitely recommend nokillnetwork.org and am very glad I used it. It’s horrible to lose your dog, but it’s also stressful to find a dog— being aware that some fur-parent is out there worrying about their baby, you want to find them ASAP to relieve suffering. nokillnetwork.org definitely helped me identify the parent within a few hours.

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