Lost Dogs and Cats in Texas - Reunited with Family!

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The story of "Peanut" in Texas

PEANUT IS HOME! She looks like she was in a scuffle and seems very hungry, but has been bath, tended to and resting at home. She'll have a check-up to make sure she heals well and is otherwise healthy. We couldn't have done this without the support of our online and local community. We took every suggestion offered in FB groups and on websites and kept searching for Peanut every morning and every night. The one piece of advice we clung to was that Peanut was probably close by, but too scared to come out. So we did what everyone suggested and put out her litter, bed, clothes, food, water... everything we could collect that might help her find her way back home. Sure enough around day 12 we spotted a cat we thought could be Peanut on our security camera that we set up by her bed. It was midnight sighting, so we took our chances after seeing it the next day and started with the neighbor closest to us in the direction Peanut headed towards. And there she was, right under out neighbor's deck! We don't know if she was there the whole time or if she finally found a spot close enough to the house to camp out, but we are so grateful to have her home! We can't thank you our caring community enough as it was vital to helping us stay hopeful in our search for Peanut!

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