Lost Dogs and Cats in New Jersey - Reunited with Family!

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The story of "Tux" in New Jersey

After multiple days of looking, and almost loosing hope, I moved my couch one last time, and realized my kitty was there. I had only had the little rascal 3 days, and knew him to be quite the hider, but didn't suspect he could be at it 3 days strait. In the end, he didn't escape, get injured, or lost. Just the story of one stubborn and couous kitty, and one very worried owner. But luckily even though I never needed to go to the shelter and look for them, and they never got out luckily. One thing I was astounded by was all the support, help, and good wishes I got in the time while I thought my kitty was gone. I had a complete stranger reach out, just to help me, and countless kind souls all wishing me well wishes and providing essential and good advice. It was people like these, that never let me loose hope, and always kept looking. So, even though the situation luckily turned out not to be as dire as I thought it did, and a happy ending came into conclusion. I'm just so grateful to everyone that reached out to lend a happy hand, good wishes, it really kept me going, along with my family while we searched for the kitten, along with trying to deal with the conjavoluted introduction of a pet in our house. In the end, I'm delighted to pronounce Tux safe, with one last thank you all the hard working staff, and kind hearted people who make the recovery of pets possible. Organizations like these are great organizations, who have helped reuite, and lift the spirits of all those who deal with the hardship of a lost pet, and ensure the best chance that they may all be reunited.

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