Lost Dogs and Cats in California - Reunited with Family!

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The story of "Kiki" in California

Kiki has just arrived at our house, meowing at our front door! She had been missing for 9 DAYS! She right away ran inside and hid under my bed, meowing incessantly. She looks a bit dirty and skinnier too. A bit shook, we believe that she has been surviving outside and simply had lost her way back home. The day she went missing, I let her out in broad daylight. We believe she ran away shortly thereafter, most likely because she got scared of our gardeners using heavy machinery. I took countless steps in trying to find her, posting on PawBoost, posting flyers, going door to door, and even checking our neighbor’s security cameras. I believe that in some small way, these efforts and the help that I got from those close to me must have paid off. I’m just glad she’s back home safely! 🙏🏽☺️💖

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