Cat adoption in Portsmouth, England
Domestic Medium Hair Cat

About this Cat

This is a bit long winded so please do bear with me. Phyllis is a 3-year-old cat. Black, medium haired, female. Since we first got her, something wasn't right. Investigations by Lumbry Park have determined that she has no muscle tone in her bladder sphincter. Phyllis is gorgeous; she is (sometimes!) cuddly, (sometimes!) feisty, playful, eats well, drinks water like I have never seen a cat drink before, (I've had cats all my life) and really is a sweetheart but, she drips a lot and quite often on me. I think because of her issues since birth she has developed some sort of mental trauma and she 'scents' our house when she feels stressed but also, if she has an infection she will pee in her sleep, in the bath, under the kitchen cabinets, on the children's bed in particular. I have used Feliway with her, a recommended Out! to remove the chemical scent of her accidents, and I have moved her litter tray in three different positions (current one works best). She uses the tray, (a box to climb in) beautifully and always has done. She loves the outdoors - she will ask to go out around 10pm and is back in early morning around 0630. In all weathers! Storms do not phase her. Nor foxes! She will nap a while in the mornings and then will disappear outdoors again until lunchtime. I wondered, given all that information, if there is anywhere that would be willing to take Phyllis and look after her? My husband and I are frequently at loggerheads about her (although he does have a fondness for her too). Myself and my children really would be so sad to let her go but I can't help feeling that she would be perhaps happier somewhere where the peeing wouldn't be as much as an issue. A farm perhaps?  The RSPCA at Stubbington have said they cannot help. Other local rescue centres have no space. Our vets are helping where they can. She is spayed, inoculated, flea and worm treated. I have her medical history, and she is chipped and I have pet insurance. Please, can you help so that we may rehome her appropriately, considerately and humanely? We are at a loss at what to do but she is not compatible with our home life and we have tried for three years now. Thank you for taking the time to read this email and I look forward to hearing from you.

Contribute to Phyllis's Dogecoin Stash!

100% of Phyllis's Dogecoin balance will be sent to whoever adopts Phyllis.

Adopt Phyllis and Receive Dogecoin

Adopting a pet can be expensive, and we're trying to help by fundraising for each individual in need of adoption. After verifying the adoption, Phyllis's new family will receive the funds that their pet has raised. Dogecoin is digital currency that can be exchanged for cash, traded, or held as an investment (see the "What is Dogecoin" section below).

9 DOGE is Phyllis's current Dogecoin balance

Contributions (1)


NK contributed to Phyllis
14 days ago


  • Fundraise with us:

How will Phyllis receive the Dogecoin?

The adopting family is the only party eligible to receive the Dogecoin. If you adopted the Phyllis, thank you for providing a home and a loving family! Please begin the process of claiming Phyllis's Dogecoin here.

For adoptions in which was the matchmaker and we have contact information for both parties, we make every effort to contact the adopting family. For adoptions that were not facilitated by, we still encourage the adopting family to claim the Dogecoin by submitting the necessary information.

The adopting family is the only party eligible to receive the Dogecoin. The adopting family will be required to provide proof of adoption between 4-6 weeks after adoption. This is to ensure that the home is a good match and Phyllis was not returned. After we have verified the adoption, Phyllis’s Dogecoin balance will be sent to the adopting family. Our staff provides instructions and help throughout this process.

What is Dogecoin?

"The fun and friendly internet currency."
Dogecoin sets itself apart from other digital currencies with an amazing, vibrant community made up of friendly folks just like you. Dogecoin is a decentralized, peer-to-peer digital currency that enables you to easily send money online.
Learn more about it on youtube or at

What happens to unclaimed funds?

We want the Phyllis’s balance to go to the adopting family as a way to say thank you for providing a loving home and to help with pet care expenses. In the unfortunate event we cannot contact them and verify the adoption, Phyllis’s balance will remain in our general Dogecoin fund. This fund may be used to match contributions made to other adoptable pets, incentify other adoption-related actions, promote our mission, or support the operating expenses of If you would like to make a direct contribution to to help us help other pets in need, you can go here. We appreciate your generosity and help!

Contribute to Phyllis's Dogecoin Stash!

100% of Phyllis's Dogecoin balance will be sent to whoever adopts Phyllis.

How much would you like to contribute to Phyllis's wallet?


$30 USD will add 277.643 Dogecoin to Phyllis's wallet.

How will Phyllis receive the dogecoin?

The adopting family is the only party eligible to receive the Dogecoin. The adopting family will be required to provide proof of adoption between 4-6 weeks after adoption. This is to ensure that the home is a good match and Phyllis was not returned. After we have verified the adoption, Phyllis’s Dogecoin balance will be sent to the adopting family. Our staff provides instructions and help throughout this process.

Can I pay with Dogecoin?

Yes, on the next step of this process, you will see the option to pay with Dogecoin or other Cryptocurrency types.

How is the Dogecoin amount calculated?

The Dogecoin amount is calculated based on the current market rate minus a 3% payment processing fee.

You can see the current market rate at:

What happenes to unclaimed funds?

We want Phyllis’s balance to go to the adopting family as a way to say thank you for providing a loving home and to help with pet care expenses. In the unfortunate event we cannot contact them and verify the adoption, Phyllis’s balance will remain in our general Dogecoin fund. This fund may be used to match contributions made to other adoptable pets, incentify other adoption-related actions, promote our mission, or support the operating expenses of We appreciate your generosity and help!